Jumat, 02 November 2012

Taylor Swift- Miss Invisible

There's a girl
Who sits under the bleachers
Just another day eating alone
And though she smiles
There is something just hiding
And she cant find a way to relate
She just goes unnoticed
As the crowd passes by
And she'll pretend to be busy
When inside she just wants to cry
She'll say...

Take a little look at the life of Miss Always Invisible
Look a little harder,
I really really want you to put yourself in her shoes
Take another look at the face of Miss Always Invisible
Look a little closer
and maybe then you will see why she waits for the day
When you'll ask her her name

The beginning, in the first weeks of class
She did everything to try and fit in
But the others they couldn't seem to get past
all the things that mismatched on the surface
And she would close her eyes when they left
and as she fell down the stairs
And the more that they joked
And the more that they screamed
She retreated to where she is now
And she'll sing...

Take a little look at the life of Miss Always Invisible
Look a little harder I really,
really want you to put yourself in her shoes, yeah, yeah
Take a little look at the face of Miss Always Invisible
Look a little closer and maybe then
you will see why she waits for the day that
you will ask her name

Then one day, just the same as the last
Just, the days been in counting the time
Came a boy, that sat under the bleachers
just a little bit further behind...

There's a girlWAnd she cant find a way to relateShe just goes unnoticedAs the crowd passes byAnd she'll pretend to be busyWhen inside she just wants to cryShe'll say...
[Chorus]Take a little look at the life of Miss Always InvisibleLook a little harder, I really really want you to put yourself in her shoesTake another look at the face of Miss Always InvisibleLook a little closer and maybe then you will see why she waits for the dayWhen you'll ask her her name
The beginning, in the first weeks of classShe did everything to try and fit inBut the others they couldn't seem to get past all the things that mismatched on the surface
And she would close her eyes when they left and as she fell down the stairsAnd the more that they jokedAnd the more that they screamedShe retreated to where she is nowAnd she'll sing...
[Chorus]Take a little look at the life of Miss Always InvisibleLook a little harder I really, really want you to put yourself in her shoes, yeah, yeahTake a little look at the face of Miss Always InvisibleLook a little closer and maybe then you will see why she waits for the day thatyou will ask her name
Then one day, just the same as the lastJust, the days been in counting the timeCame a boy, that sat under the bleachers just a little bit further behind...


10 Tips Menjaga Kesehatan Rambut dengan Alami

  1. Menyisir dan menyikat rambut. Menyisir dan menyikat rambut Anda setiap hari tidak hanya merapikan dan membersihkan rambut, tetapi juga meningkatkan suplai darah sehingga mengaktifkan aktivitas sel-sel kulit kepala. Gunakan sisir dengan gigi berspasi lebar dan sikat berbulu halus.
  2. Gunakan sampo yang tepat. Pilih sampo untuk rambut kering, normal, berminyak, berketombe, dll, sesuai kondisi rambut Anda. Cuci rambut Anda setidaknya dua kali seminggu. Selalu berkeramas dengan sampo setelah berenang di laut atau kolam renang untuk menyingkirkan garam dan klorin yang dapat merusak folikel rambut. Pastikan Anda selalu membilas rambut sampai bersih setelah selesai berkeramas.
  3. Gunakan kondisioner. Penggunaan kondisioner setelah keramas mengurangi upaya yang dibutuhkan untuk menyisir rambut dan membuatnya lebih mudah diatur. Penggunaan kondisioner terutama sangat dibutuhkan bila rambut Anda kering.
  4. Keringkan rambut basah dan jangan terlalu keras menggosok rambut dengan handuk. Saat rambut basah, strukturnya lebih rapuh sehingga harus dihindari menyisir atau menyikat terlalu kuat.
  5. Variasikan gaya rambut. Jika memakai gaya rambut yang memerlukan tarikan pada rambut sebaiknya diselingi gaya rambut lebih longgar untuk menghindari tarikan konstan yang menyebabkan ketegangan folikel sehingga rambut rontok.
  6. Jaga kecukupan protein. Karena rambut terdiri dari protein (keratin), penting sekali bagi Anda untuk mengikuti diet cukup protein untuk mempertahankan produksi rambut. Protein ditemukan pada daging, ikan, unggas, telur, susu, keju, sereal, kedelai dan kacang-kacangan.
  7. Jangan terobsesi dengan masalah rambut. Jangan menyentuh atau menarik rambut terus-menerus.
  8. Seimbangkan dan stabilkan kondisi emosi Anda. Stres dapat memicu kerontokan rambut.
  9. Jangan memakai wig. Penggunaan wig harus dihindari karena membuat kulit kepala Anda tidak dapat bernapas dengan baik dan mencekik lemas folikel Anda. Jilbab, helm, atau topi tidak merusak rambut Anda seperti wig, asalkan berhati-hati saat mengenakan dan melepaskannya.
  10. Hindari sengatan matahari ke kulit kepala- dan tubuh. Kita semua tahu mengapa sengatan matahari bisa berdampak serius bagi kesehatan secara keseluruhan. Sengatan matahari ke kulit kepala juga dapat menyebabkan folikel tidak mampu mempertahankan rambut karena luka bakar.